Environmental Statement

Triton Construction Ltd is an active and forward thinking contractor based in the North of England.

Underpinning the success of the business is a strong demonstrable company ethos.

The key elements of the ethos is that Triton Construction are

  • A solution driven business
  • A company that adopts a proactive approach to solving problems regardless of the cause.
  • Friendly and approachable.
  • Team players.
  • Instigators of technical and commercial solutions.
  • Professional at all times.

The promotion of this ethos enables the company to achieve its strategic and departmental objectives. Strategic and departmental objectives will be set on an annual basis. The objectives will then be subsequently reviewed during internal monthly management meetings.

In conjunction with the ethos, the Company has established an Environmental Management System based on ISO14001. However, the company aims to go beyond these requirements and become a ‘Best Practice’ construction company.

Implementation of the Environmental Management System will ensure that Triton Construction Group Ltd

  • Minimise any disturbance to the local & global environment.
  • Comply fully with all relevant statutory regulations
  • Maintain the appearance of offices and projects to the highest practical standards.
  • Minimise the risk of pollution by waste products and toxic substances.
  • Take positive steps to manage waste effectively by promoting waste reduction, reuse and recycling, placing particular emphasis on paper, fuel, energy and construction materials.
  • Continuously assess and review environmental impacts.
  • Train employees to ensure that they are aware of the company’s objectives and specific measures for their implementation.

The Management System will be reviewed and changed in line with customer feedback, corrective action, preventive action, employee suggestions and feedback from regular independent audit.

The successful implementation of this policy demands awareness on the part of every individual within the company.

All employees have a responsibility for adhering not only to company procedures but also to continuously identify potential areas for improvement.


The Environment


Triton Construction take our impacted action on the environment very seriously. Our ultimate aim is to reduce all negative impacts on the environment.

To achieve our environmental targets we have adopted the 3R’s principle; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Whilst recycling is the element which receives the most exposure it should never be the prime target in the battle to reduce waste.

Our duty:

  • Reduce Usage
  • Reuse wherever possible
  • Recycle

Energy Management

We constantly strive to reduce energy consumption throughout all sites and head office and intend to develop an Energy Policy Plan which will realise “Energy Champions” for each site.

At Head Office we have:

  • Installed night storage heaters
  • Fitted energy efficient lighting system – resulting in reduced electricity consumption.

Green Sites

Wherever possible we strive to make our sites as green as possible, not only does this help reduce our CO2 emissions but it also reduces our internal waste and therefore reduces our end costs.

  • We encourage all our staff to adopt eco-friendly practices, such as switching off unused lights and electrical equipment.
  • Employees are encourage not to print out documents unless absolutely necessary, then use both side of the paper if they do but to use e-mail as a preferred option of communication. All waste paper is collected in designated recycling bins which are located in every office.
  • Printer ink cartridges are collected from our sites and sent to a company who re-fill cartridges for re-sale.
  • We have a recycling bin for clothing and household items at our head office which is collected by the Heart Foundation for re-sale in their charity shops.
  • On site, construction waste materials are sorted for recycling, where there is no capacity for separate waste disposal skips, the waste will be sorted for recycling by the Waste Disposal company. We only use Waste companies who have recycling facilities.


Transport Management

At Triton we encourage the leasing of fuel efficient vehicles; most of these are fitted with Euro 5 engines, which help to reduce both CO2 and Nitrogen Oxide emissions.  As an added incentive to our staff there is an increase on their lease allowance for the most fuel efficient vehicles.

Leasing of fuel efficient vehicles has always been encouraged by Triton; in the past the majority have been vehicles fitted with Euro 5 engines, helping to reduce CO2 and Nitrogen Oxide emissions. Should our staff choose  one of the most fuel efficient vehicles an increase of 5% is added to their lease allowance.

Triton took this a step further in 2014 and 50% of the company car fleet is made up of Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). In EV mode the PHEV can travel up to 32 miles – meaning no petrol and no emissions.  The PHEV automatically selects the optimum mode, therefore insuring the best, most cost & energy effective use of the vehicle.

In addition to this, we have installed electric charge points in the car park at our Head Office.

We promote, wherever possible, the philosophy of car sharing.  This system is generally utilised by the office staff when visiting sites.  Each Manager is issued with a company car user’s manual which provides instruction on how to achieve the best fuel efficiency.

Carbon (CO2) Footprint

To further reduce our impact on the environment, Triton has a policy to source local suppliers and sub-contractors wherever possible.