Total raised £232.38! We are very pleased to have raised such a large amount given the amount of staff members in the office on the day. Our Spot the Cake competition was won by Roger (Buyer) and he very kindly donated the money back into the pot!
Thanks to our Site Manager Doug Eastwood, who sold tea and coffee and ginger parkin biscuits to sub-contractors, Client and Consultants on the site in Hoyland, this raised £55.
Monies were also donated from a couple of Site Managers and our NW Quantity Surveyor – they may not be good bakers but have good hearts, it all helps.

Thanks also to the bakers, and lastly, but not least, thanks to Liz Hargrave, our Charity Queen, for organising it all and ‘persuading’ people to part with their hard earned cash.  WELL DONE ALL.