This weekend saw the return of Triton’s famous charity weekend, where staff, family and friends along with some of our subcontractors enjoyed a fun ‘Sports Day’ style weekend. With tossing the hay bale, egg and spoon race, three legged race, space hopper assault course, wellie throwing, slippery pole dunking and ending with a good old fashioned tug of war being enjoyed by all participants young and old.

Awards we given out to all our winners, though it looks like some ended up with more medals than races they had participated in, mentioning no names Deborah!

The fun continued well into the evening with entertainment from a live band, open mike and a hog roast supper.

Some members of staff camped and welcomed a BBQ breakfast before packing up for another year.

As always we were overwhelmed by the generosity of all who attended, this year we raised a staggering £1,324.70 which will be going to our chosen charity Lighthouse Club, which is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial well-being support to construction workers and their families.